Superfood +
It's been praised in the Caribbean for centuries and recently been made even more popular by the late Dr. Sebi and his teachings about sea moss.
Highly sought after for it its ability to act as an expectorant, it can help with expelling excess mucus from your lungs.
It serves as a powerful anti-inflammatory packed with Protein, Fiber, Selenium, Iodine, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Zinc.
This golden seaweed comes from 'warm water climates' like South America, the Caribbean, and Africa. This commonly used lighter beige-brown color has thin “rubbery” fingered string like tops and varies in color.
There is a difference between a carrageenan extract and how it occurs naturally in whole seaweed---any isolated compound extracted from its whole food will be devoid of nutrients and the same goes for carrageenan that has been extracted from seaweeds.
Some vitamins and trace minerals found in sea moss include:
Sea moss contains 92 of the 102 minerals that our bodies need, along with Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K!

Boosts Immunity
Increases Energy
Helps eliminate excessive mucus
Appetite suppressor
Reduces Inflammation
Mood Enhancement
Support Reproductive Health
Soothes Digestive Tract
Supports the Oxygenation of cells
Improves Nutrient Absorption
Nourishes & Beautifies Skin/Nails/Hair
Builds Strong Bones And Strengthens Connective Tissue
How to use Sea Moss
Sea moss contains dietary fiber which is essential for gut health and
a good digestive system.
Sea moss is low fat and low cholesterol. Research which shows that a
balanced diet consuming a low-calorie diet and sea moss could help
with weight loss. Reports on successful sea moss detox diets are
increasing as many have found positive results and an individual could
survive on sea moss alone.
One of the consistent and proven teachings of Dr Sebi was that 'there
is only one disease; mucus'.
Sea moss contains antiviral properties which help the body recover
from colds, flu virus' and more severe illnesses as well. It has been
used to treat respiratory problems from coughs to phlegm, bronchitis,
pneumonia, tuberculosis, and more for generations by providing the
body with a means to expel mucus.
Chondrus Crispus or Genus Gracilaria are the most commonly bought types of wild crafted sea moss. Always make sure it's wild crafted and it can range from a light gold to a dark purplish color.
It is harvested in a very eco-friendly way where harvesters take only parts of the sea moss plant, so the plant can regenerate.
Avoid pool grown sea moss, sea moss grown in “ocean farms”, or Irish Moss powder or flakes. Sea moss powdered flakes and power have been cooked dry in an oven and don’t have the same nutritional benefits like the fresh moss.
Known Side Effects of Sea Moss
While many side effects have not been reported, here are the mostly
notable effects. Sea moss has anticoagulant properties and if taken in
large doses laxative properties. The sea vegetable itself is not none
to interfere with most medications but always consult with a doctor