Felicity Franco is a 6-year old sea moss enthusiast who began her journey with the magical sea vegetable at just 6 months old. Born with a mild case of eczema, her journalist mom who had been using sea moss for 20 years published an article about the sea plant and its benefits. Her mom used sea moss during her pregnancy and noticed once Felicity was born she never experienced the usual sickness or ear infections babies were prone to. Her mom began using sea moss gel as a topical treatment on areas Felicity experienced eczema breakouts. At 6 months old, her mom began using sea moss in her smoothies, soups and raw desserts and the eczema cleared up and never returned.

Fast forward to the 2020 pandemic, Felicity was already taking sea moss everyday as a natural immune and energy booster. She's always been extremely advanced and attends one of the top schools in New York City. After noticing her resistance to catching bugs from other children at school it was evident it worked. Felicity loved the energetic boost she received after taking her sea moss everyday. She began talking about it in her cooking class and recommended dishes sea moss could be incorporated into. When her school announced it was closing due to a 'lung attacking' virus she recommended we give sea moss to her teachers and friends. They all returned with stories of cleared mucus, no runny noses, suppressed coughing and more. Felicity enjoyed helping her mom make sea moss gel and decided she wanted to help the world get better at the start of the pandemic---and Felicity's Seamoss was born.

Sea moss is beneficial and can be used by the entire family. From Felicity's feisty 104-year-old great-grandmother down to her littlest cousin's, sea moss contains the minerals our bodies need. It is also full of potassium which can significantly improve behavior and mental functioning. Felicity illustrates all the photos for her flyers, labels and stickers and is a creative force to be reckoned with at just 6-years old. She's added sea moss limonade and cherry applesauce to her repertoire and is very hands on with decision making for Felicity's Seamoss. Her after school activities include fashion andillustration, inventions and innovations, coding classes, musical theater and hip hop. She recently spent a month traveling in Zanzibar, Africa learning about the sea moss she imports from Africa. She even learned how to farm sea moss from rock moss and decided to start an organization that gives back to the older women her company hires in Africa. Never pool grown but grown from wildcrafted sea moss in the ocean, Felicity's sea moss is cultivated from the cleanest clearest waters in Trinidad and Zanzibar.